Perfectly Happy / Wed, 03 Apr 2024 14:05:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to make a powerful Vision Board for Manifestation /blog/how-to-make-a-vision-board/ Sat, 15 Apr 2023 10:27:34 +0000 /?p=331 Imagine a secret tool that supports you design, release, and shape your life and all of its components just as you please, like a manifestation amplifier. What about a tool that brings you more clarity about your true intentions? What about a tool that helps you become happier and content, someone that’s more expanded? Sound like something you’d like?

Vision Boards and Visualization are frequently used by A-list celebrities, Olympic champions and business moguls to reach their peak performance.

Oprah Winfrey, Beyonce, Victoria Beckham, Tony Robbins, Bill Gates, Jennifer Lopez and Katy Perry are only a few examples that successfully use these techniques to their advantage. Don’t you think you should give it a try too?

Still a little sceptical? What can you lose? Not much really. But if it does work, it would be life changing.

So, what is a Vision Board?

A Vision Board or Dream Board, as it is often called, is one of the most powerful ways to visualize your dream life and keep you focused. A Vision Board is a compilation of positive, inspiring images that represent your goals and things you want to work towards in your life.

It’s basically a representation of what you’ve always wanted to be, do, or have. Thanks to Vision Boards you can deliberately focus your powerful attention (Visualization) in order to create a beautiful life that fills you with amazement. It is a great tool for turning your dreams into reality. It is a manifestation amplifier.

The secret behind why it works

Visualization is a process of forming a mental image in your mind of things you want in your life. You visualize it in your mind’s eye over and over again until it becomes evident in your life.

The secret formula behind the highly effective Visualization process consists of two elements – thoughts and feelings:

You must have

  • clear thoughts and intentions: Create a clear image of your dream (conscious thought)

and combine it with

  • elevated emotions and feelings: Imagine your dream becoming reality and feel how satisfying it is (subconscious)

When you engage the Visualization process you emit a powerful frequency out into the Universe. It’s like giving a command. And the Universe moves heaven and earth for you to have it.

What you think and feel is what creates your reality, it’s what you become.

The Law of Attraction is the law which allows us to see the evidence of these thoughts and feelings.

To attract and manifest what you want in life here are the three essential steps:

Step 1: How to make a powerful Vision Board

Step 2: Bringing your Vision Board to life

Step 3: Manifest, live and enjoy your dream life

Step 1: How to make a powerful Vision Board

Making a Vision Board isn’t something you should complete in haste even though the temptation may be there as it’s so simple and exciting. Find a nice quiet place and start off by relaxing. Let your imagination flow.

For the sake of making it effective and powerful, you need intention and clarity.

Oprah Winfrey quote visualization law of attraction manifestation
Oprah Winfrey quote visualization law of attraction manifestation 

Defining your goals – clarity is crucial

List areas of your life that are important to you right now. Ask yourself; what really matters to me?  How do I want to feel? What are my aspirations? And what is my intention in life? Dive deep into yourself and connect to your inner guidance. The inner guidance where no ego plays a role.

This whole process is really more of a feeling process rather than thinking. For example, if you want a new house, how do you want that home to make you feel? If you want a relationship, how does your partner feel to you? How does your ideal relationship feel to you? Imagine the qualities and traits you want in that partner or house.

Imagine the best version of you, you could ever dream of. Without limitations, where absolutely nothing is impossible.

When I created my vision board I proceeded by writing down my answers on a piece of paper (which I recommend you to do, as it’s energetically immensely powerful) exactly what thoughts and feelings got me most excited and whatever it was that sparked happiness in me.

To want everything is to want nothing. The mind feels more comfortable with certain limitations as it’s able to focus. Choose a maximum 2-3 topics. Intention and clarity are most important to make the Vision Board work.


If you find setting your intention difficult at first then you are not alone. That’s what most of us struggle with in the beginning. Here are some questions to ask yourself to become clearer:

1. When was the last time where I really felt happiness and contentment? What did I do, think and feel?

2. If people’s opinions, money, and my own fears wouldn’t matter, what would I be, do or have?

3. What do I have to believe in, in order to be, do or have these things?

4. Who is the person I want to become?

5. What thoughts and negative beliefs do I have to let go off in order to have what I want?

When asking these questions, be sure you don’t mistaken happiness with fast lived pleasure. Many people believe that happiness is having fun at a party, the thrill and passion of sex, or the delights of drinking a bottle of excellent wine.

They can go hand in hand and can be interlinked but they are not the same. Perfect happiness is that feeling that comes over you when you know life is great and you can’t help but smile. It is a sense of well-being and contentment. Perfect happiness is a perfect state of being, a divine state of being. Life is just as it should be.

A Vision Board will help you begin the process of discovering yourself and your dreams. It will bring awareness into your life.

Energy flows where intention goes. If you focus on what you want, it expands and that what you don’t want falls away. By doing that alone, you’re already setting the Law of Attraction into motion to your advantage. Become intentional and follow your bliss!

Now that you have brought awareness into your life and are clear on the purpose of your Vision Board, it’s time for the creative process…

Selecting inspiring images for your Vision Board

Choose images that strike your fancy, and align to the goals that you have just identified. It can be anything that delights you and represents your vision. There really are no wrong or rights.

When you look at the images, always ask yourself what feelings do they invoke in you?

It could be images of people you want to meet, an object like a new home or car that you want so dearly, a fulfilling new job, places you want to visit something that symbolizes an aspirational state of mind or feeling. Whatever it is that inspires you and represents your goals and desires, can be put on your Vision Board.

Look for images in magazines, on the internet, postcards or anything you can find which represented those positive feelings.

If you use a digital Vision Board app then you have all the images you need at hand and can start going after your dreams straight away. It also makes changing the images on your Vision Board much easier.

Watch how easy the image selection becomes when using a digital Vision Board or online Vision board:

Always keep in mind that the selected materials should trigger positive emotions.

Go wild and have fun while selecting them. Remain open, you might find yourself drawn to a picture you didn’t initially have on your radar.

Add at least one or more pictures of yourself into your Vision Board. A gorgeous, radiant, and happy picture of yourself that sparks joy inside you every time you look at it.

After you’ve selected a few images you’ll want to sort them. Simplicity is important here. While doing this allow your intuition to guide you. And truly eliminate what doesn’t feel right. Get rid of all images that don’t match your intuition.

Once you have sorted them you can either glue them on a poster, use a cork board, draw, or work with a digital Vision Board app.

If you get bored by your vision board, make a new vision board or change some images. Also keep in mind that over time your desires might change as you are making your Vision Board.

Many ask how many Vision Boards they should make and if they can mix different topics. There really is no correct or incorrect amount of Vision Boards you can make. This is a personal preference.

As I mentioned above, I work with a few. Some people choose to focus on one target at a time until the specific goal is achieved, while others mix up their Vision Boards with all kinds of desires.  You could also create more than one Vision Board for the same goal. There really are no limitations.


Add Affirmations for maximum benefit. Work with positive Affirmations while Visualizing, such as, I have an abundance of love, wealth, … When working with Affirmations state them in present tense and keep them short. I recommend choosing Affirmations that go hand in hand with your emotional images or the intentions you have.

Affirmations will amplify the positive impact of the images on a different mental level, which works in one session, at the same time.

When looking at your Vision Board, listen to stimulating music that elevates your emotions.

Now, this is a great benefit specifically of a digital Vision Board app or online Vision Board. They have the ability to stimulate many senses simultaneously with moving images, spoken Affirmations and soothing music.

Step 2: Bringing your Vision Board to life means to watch it daily

What is the easiest and most effective way to integrate it in your daily life? Ideally you want to have it somewhere where you keep looking at it throughout the day, which is easy to access. I have one in my living-room and bedroom.

This brings you back into alignment with your dreams and keeps your focus exactly where you want it.

Every time you look at it, you should try to feel the optimistic emotions and excitement of already having achieved all that’s on your Vision Board.

The two vital and most important times of the day to focus on your goals are, first thing in the morning (right after waking up) and just before you fall asleep.

At those times your subconscious mind is most receptive to your intentions. These times of the day also set the tone for your upcoming day.

Next, see yourself in the picture and feel the emotions of already having or living it


Recently, I have started using a digital Vision Board app, which now allows me to take my Vision Board everywhere. Especially when I’m on the go – it’s super handy!

And when I’ve got time at hand I can just grab my phone and watch my future dream life as an exciting movie.

It also has an alarm where you can set your morning reminder and wake up with the inspiring images and positive music of your personal vision board. You start into every new day with a positive can do attitude.

Step 3: Manifesting your dreams, live and enjoy your dream life

It’s about becoming in line with the energy first before it has manifested in your life. With focusing on your Vision Board, and visualizing it, your life must change to match the images on your Dream Board and in your mind.

Be grateful, it is coming and it’s happening right this minute! The Law of Attraction is set into motion to your advantage.

Right now, the Universe is moving heaven and earth to match your desires.

Your only job is to know what you want. Don’t think about how you’re going to get anything.

Pay attention to your Vision Board, then pay attention to opportunities.

Manifesting is simply an act of re-aligning yourself with what you were always meant to be.

Digital Vision Board and online Vision Board make it much easier

Vision Boards have been around for centuries. But with this day and age the Vision Board game has been stepped up through digital Vision Board apps or online Vision Boards. And we can all use digitalization to our benefit. What I find best is that you can take them with you anywhere you go, prevent relapse of negative emotions, and they have moving images such as short clips.

law of attraction perfectly happy 

As you can tell there are various ways you can use and make Vision Boards.

Key is:

  • have fun while creating it
  • feel good and excited about your goals
  • when watching, feel the emotions of already having accomplished them
  • be grateful
  • and lastly, know with every fibre of your being that this is the future you are creating, there is absolutely no way around it!

Nothing to lose, but so much to gain.

You have all the material you need at hand and can start going after your dreams straight away.

Let your life be defined by your positive vision of your future and not by the memories of your past. Re-create your life from the inside out, after all it is about you.

Start going after your dream’s. Believe in yourself and know that you can be, do, and have anything and everything you want. You can do it! Step into your full potential!

Please share your Vision Boards with us on Instagram once you have completed them.

Create Vision Board

The Power of Gratitude /blog/the-power-of-gratitude/ Sat, 04 Mar 2023 10:41:33 +0000 /?p=341 1. Understanding the meaning of gratitude

Gratitude is defined in the dictionary as, the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

It’s recognizing the small things in life, not overlooking them, and becoming aware of them, and how much abundance is actually around you.

Of all the attitudes we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is one of the most important and life-changing!

2. Gratitude and the Law of Attraction or a self-reinforcing cycle

The Law of Attraction allows you to bring into your life what you focus on. Every positive thought you have, will reward you with a positive experience. Every negative one, with an unpleasant one. That’s why we better choose our thoughts deliberately and why awareness and mindfulness matters!

It’s not happiness that brings you gratitude, it’s the gratitude that brings you happiness.

When you become more present of the magnificence you’re surrounded by it activates the Law of Attraction in ways you couldn’t imagine. By recognizing the positive things that occur in our life and being grateful, you shift your attention and awareness to the sunny side of life.

Therefore the Law of Attraction must give you more of it.

When you go through your day being aware and mindful of positive things to be grateful for, more positive things will show up!

It’s a self-reinforcing cycle. You just have to push the first stone and the stones start falling in your favour and turn into a perfect pattern of appreciation. Gratitude shifts your mindset in the most uplifting way possible.

Imagine waking up in the morning and feeling blessed in every kind of way? Going to bed and thanking your day for the adventures it came with! What glorious waves of grateful emotions would come over you? That’s what it means to have an attitude of gratitude.

3. Easy ways to practice an attitude of gratitude

One of the easiest and most impactful ways is keeping a daily gratitude journal. Write down or type three to five things  that you are grateful for today. It could be a person, a conversation, a book, a walk in the park, sunny weather, skills or abilities that you have, and so on. Keeping a gratitude journal, and being thankful for small things and events in your daily life will have tremendous benefits on your quality of life.

Celebrity reference! Take it from the legendary Oprah Winfrey:

Alternatively write about something you are grateful to have learned this week or month.

Write a letter to someone that has positively impacted your life. Tell him what you are grateful for. You can still decide later whether you want to send the letter or not.

Count three things that you are looking at right now and say out loud or in your mind why you’re grateful for them.

Start appreciating all the things you do have, rather than worrying about what you don’t have. It’s a choice!

Develop an attitude of gratitude in areas that you’d normally take for granted. Like a book that was recommended to you by a friend. A conversation you had that turned out to be a real eye-opener. A sunny day after a rainy day.

You can choose to look at a flower and not pay much attention to it or, you can choose to look at a flower and thank it for its beautiful components, its radiant colours, and what it does for nature. You can even be grateful towards your eyes that they can see such magnificence.

Whilst I’m typing this, I am grateful for being able to write about gratitude.

You see, there are endless opportunities that allow you to start having an attitude of gratitude.

When you choose to cultivate an attitude of gratitude you feel happier, more content, abundant, more compassionate and you’ll start realising how many beautiful things you are surrounded by.

And like most things in life with consistent practice, it morphs from practicing into being. It’s a new way of living. An inspired way of living. Without expecting anything from it. Putting the so-called “ego” aside and just being. Being grateful.

Oprah Winfrey gratitude quote visualization manifestation the law of attraction vision board

4. Making gratitude a positive habit

Often gratitude is only practised during certain times like Christmas, Thanksgiving, or birthdays. But do we really have to wait for a special occasion to practice gratitude?

I believe not. And by the time you’ve finished reading this, I hope neither, do you…

The two key times of the day!

In the morning!

When you wake up in the morning, immediately when you start connecting back to your consciousness and you’re still in a dreamy state, list three to five things you’re grateful for. It can be your soft pillow, the restful sleep, the good relationship with your children, the sunny weather, your morning tee, your breakfast, your spouse. Make it your new morning practice.

Right before you fall asleep!

The same goes for when you’re falling asleep. Be grateful for three to five things during the day. A new experience you gained. The delicious meals you enjoyed. If you had an unpleasant experience, ask yourself what you are supposed to learn from it and be grateful for that learning experience. Which I have to admit, can sometimes be a tough one…

In general, always focus on three to five positive things or experiences. If more comes to your mind, then even better. In any case write them down or type them into your digital gratitude journal.

gratitude journal app visualization manifestation the law of attraction vision board

From my own experience I can tell you that using a Gratitude Journal App on my iPhone made it much easier to develop a daily gratitude habit. It makes it much easier to write down my reasons to be grateful for every evening before going to bed.

Usually, I simply try to recall what experiences and things made me happy today and what I am grateful for. I then type it into my digital gratitude journal and put my mobile on the bed stand. I close my eyes, recall how good those experiences made me feel and fall asleep with a pleasant smile on my face.

Positive effects of having an Attitude of Gratitude;

Gratitude is Love, gratitude is oneness, gratitude is the highest form of connecting with Universal energy, nature, and all sentient beings.

  • You’ll become so much more mindful, present and aware of your positive surroundings!
  • You’ll feel more balanced and have a lower stress level.
  • You’ll develop a clearer sense of what is truly important to you and what you want to have more of in life.
  • You’ll have a tool at hand on days when you are feeling down, that helps you recalibrate your thought patterns in a positive way.
  • You’ll grow your self-confidence over time. You will become more mindful of your achievements, even if they are only small accomplishments.
  • You’ll start seeing evidence of drawing more positive things and good people to you to become more grateful about!
It’s scientifically proven that gratitude benefits many areas of your life. Ranging from relationships to health benefits, to your sleep pattern.

An attitude of gratitude seems to have a lot of potential upsides and no noticeable downsides. So, are you willing to give it a try and adapt to an attitude of gratitude?

If so, I’d propose you start with your own gratitude journal today. It’s a great way of practising your new way of thinking.

We at Perfectly Happy have created a vision board app including a daily gratitude journal. You can write your positive daily experiences in your personal gratitude journal on your smartphone. In addition you can use your personalized vision board to become aware of your inner calling in life and follow your true dreams in a more focused way. Through being grateful and watching your vision board on a consistent daily basis you amplify your manifestation powers. Manifestation made easy!

It’s just forming a new positive, uplifting, life-changing habit.

It’s a double win.

Your life will become more blissful. You’ll feel more stable and secure and your self-esteem will grow. It all starts with typing short things to be grateful for into your mobile phone …

Try it out, live life with an attitude of gratitude and become the happiest version of yourself!

Start now!

Manifestation Magic /blog/manifestation-magic/ Sat, 07 Jan 2023 10:46:16 +0000 /?p=348 What is manifestation magic?

A lot of times people are surprised about what they’ve drawn into their life. It seems to appear out of nowhere.

But ask an extraordinarily successful person how they manifested their successful life… Chances are high they’ll look at you like you´re crazy, tell you they created it mentally and emotionally (which is normal for them) first and took action steps towards it.

So, the reality is you don’t necessarily manifest your dream or goal out of nowhere, you create it first!

When we want something like, a relationship, a specific job or abundance, what we are asking for are the feelings those things give us.

Think of your main goal right now. And think about how it will make you feel once it becomes evident.

By feeling like it’s already here and experiencing feelings of gratefulness and eagerness you make room for it to come in. We are creative beings and whatever we think and feel most of the time becomes noticeable in our surroundings.

When you think a thought, you activate the creation process.

It’s impossible to not be engaged in the creation process, as it’s impossible to go about your day without thinking or feeling something. Your life as it is right now was created through and by you. Have a magnificent obsession to accomplish your dream life.

But thinking and feeling are only part of it.

You must take action. And when your thinking is right, you’ll be motivated to take action and your results will be extraordinary.

The Universe will give you opportunities, circumstances, present you people or, even give you thoughts upon you will have to get moving. Therefore, it’s so important to get your thinking straight first.

Every person that has succeeded in any way, shape or form got their thoughts right and then they did the work.

That’s the whole magic behind it.

You have to let go of negative belief structures and old habits to recognize all the abundant opportunities presenting themselves to you. Do the inner work, love yourself and your dream enough to take some steps towards it. Become it before it appears.

Believe and you will receive, doubt and you will go without.

Law of Attraction will kick in and move heaven and earth in your favour. Once your thoughts are in alignment with your goal and you’ve started to go after it, it now has to manifest. There is no way around it.

This could be your permission slip of empowerment. Your reality is your creation. You are a powerful creator.  Your only job is to deliberately focus your thoughts on what it is you want to create and move towards it. Get into alignment with your desire. This is how we engage the Universal laws. The Law of Attraction brings the manifestation (seemingly out of thin air) to you.

It’s manifestation magic but it’s also not.

There are many tools you can use to help you focus on those feelings for longer periods (and make room for the manifestation). Like Visualization  and Affirmations. When Visualizing, see yourself in the picture. And see the picture through your eyes as if you’re experiencing it now. Use positive Affirmations and Motivational Quotes. Say them out loud. State them in the present tense and always keep them positive.

Rather than saying, I want to be healthy. Say, my body is healthy. I have a strong immune system. I can rely on my body’s healing powers.

If you can’t believe the Affirmation or Motivational Quote, start with something small and work your way up.

When Visualizing your dream, you can use Vision Boards  or Dream Boards with pictures and Affirmations that represent the life you want to live. Work with pictures that motivate you and make you feel good while looking at them. Put your Vision Board / Dream Board somewhere where you can always see it.

Another great help are Digital Vision Boards.

It’s right at your hands no matter where you are. You can recalibrate and synchronize with your wishes at all times. It’s perfect if you’re very eager to accomplish your goal as soon as possible.

There are a few that can stimulate many of your senses simultaneously. Having an even greater impact on your creation process. They support you in becoming more mindful and keep a clear picture in your mind’s eye of your dreams.

You are a powerful creative being and you can have, be and do anything and everything you want.

There are no limits except the limits you impose on yourself and it’s up to you to break free from anything weighing you down. Let go of beliefs that no longer serve you. You are always divinely guided, deeply loved and cherished.

Keep going. It takes strength, perseverance and a clear focus. And never let anyone steal your dreams. Believe and have faith.

You can do it …

Vision Board, the powerful yet secret tool /blog/vision-boards-the-powerful-yet-secret-tool/ Wed, 14 Dec 2022 10:50:54 +0000 /?p=354 Visualization is one of the most powerful and profound exercises you can do for your mind.

It’s a process of forming a mental image in your mind of things you want in your life. You visualize it in your mind’s eye over and over again until it becomes evident in your life.

When you engage the Visualization process you emit a powerful frequency out into the Universe. It’s like giving a command. And the Universe moves heaven and earth for you to have it.

What you think and feel most of the time is what creates your reality, it’s what you become.

The Law of Attraction is the law which allows us to see the evidence of these thoughts and feelings.

There are many famous celebrities, athletes and high achievers who work with Vision Boards and Visualization.

Thanks to Vision Boards you can deliberately focus your powerful attention (Visualization) in order to create a beautiful life that fills you with amazement. It helps you step into your full potential. It’s basically a representation of what you’ve always wanted to be, do, or have.

Perfectly Happy Powerful Visualization Universe Law of Attraction

It could be images of people you want to meet, an object that you want so dearly, places you want to visit or something that symbolizes an aspirational state of mind or feeling. Whatever it is that inspires you and represents your goals and desires can be put on your Vision Board.

When you start working with Vision Boards on a consistent regular basis you may find yourself amazed by how powerful they really are.

Some say it’s Magic!

Q: How can I create my first Vision Board with anticipation and ease?

A: When I made my first Vision Board, I made it a ritual. I started off by relaxing and letting go of all daily tasks. Next, I asked myself some questions like: When was the last time I felt truly happy? What was the reason for my happiness? What did I think, feel and do at that moment? What do I really enjoy? What makes my heart sing?  What is the ideal feeling I want to have throughout the day and life?

When asking these questions, be sure you don’t mistaken happiness with fast lived pleasure. Many people believe that happiness is having fun at a party, the thrill and passion of sex, or the delights of drinking a bottle of excellent wine.

These are all wonderful experiences to be cherished but they are more feelings of pleasure.

They can go hand in hand and can be interlinked but they are not the same. Perfect happiness is that feeling that comes over you when you know life is great and you can’t help but smile. It is a sense of well-being and contentment. Perfect happiness is a perfect state of being, a divine state of being. Life is just as it should be.

I then proceeded by writing down my answers on a piece of paper (which I recommend you to do, as it’s energetically immensely powerful) exactly what thoughts and feelings got me most excited and whatever it was that sparked happiness in me.

Once I did that, I looked for images in magazines and on the internet, Affirmations, postcards or anything I could find which represented those feelings.

Keep in mind that the selected materials should trigger positive emotions. You can either glue them on a poster, use a cork board, draw, or work with a Vision Board app.

Perfectly Happy Oprah Winfrey Motivational Quotes

Q: What is the easiest and most effective way to integrate it in your daily life?

A: Ideally you want to have it somewhere where you keep looking at it throughout the day, which is easy to access. I have one in my living-room and bedroom. Recently, I have started using an app, which now allows me to take it everywhere, even when I’m on the go – it’s super handy!

This brings you back into alignment with your dreams and keeps your focus exactly where you want it.

Every time you look at it, you should try to feel the optimistic emotions and excitement of already having achieved all that’s on your Vision Board.

The two vital and most important times of the day to focus on your goals are first thing in the morning (right after waking up) and just before you fall asleep.

Q: How many Vision Boards should I make?

A: There really is no correct or incorrect amount of Vision Boards you can make. This is personal preference. As I mentioned above, I work with a few. Some people choose to focus on one target at a time until the specific goal is achieved, while others mix up their Vision Boards with all kinds of desires.  You could also create more than one Vision Board for the same goal. There really are no limitations.

You can even have Vision Boards for family goals, partner goals or even career goals.

Q: How do I make my Vision Board more powerful and impactful?

A: As already mentioned, always focus on the way the material on your Vision Board makes you feel. This is vital to the success of your Visualization and manifesting it.

However, there are some secret and helpful tricks to remember when engaging with this process that can bring you your success faster and with more ease.

When looking at your Vision Board, listen to stimulating music that elevates your emotions.

Work with positive Affirmations while Visualizing, such as, I have an abundance of love, wealth, … (When working with Affirmations state them in present tense). And moving images (for Vision Board apps) such as short clips that inspire you. Also, try including photos of yourself in the Vision Board to create a stronger emotional link.

You could achieve a tenfold benefit when using these consistently and regularly. Your focus becomes sharper than just passing by your Vision Board and taking a quick glance. Take some time out of your day to interact with your Vision Board and your goals. After all, it is your future you’re engaged with.

Perfectly Happy Visualization Affirmation 

As you can tell there are various amounts of ways you can use and make Vision Boards.

Key is:

  • have fun while creating it
  • feel good and excited about your goals
  • when watching, feel the emotions of already having accomplished them
  • be grateful
  • and lastly, know with every fibre of your being that this is the future you are creating, there is absolutely no way around it!

Vision Boards have been around for centuries.

But with this day and age the Vision Board game has been stepped up through digital Vision Boards. And we can all use digitization to our benefit. What I find best is that you can take them with you anywhere you go, prevent relapse of negative emotions, they have moving images such as short clips.

You have all the material you need at hand and can start going after your dreams straight away. Some digital Vision Boards even stimulate many senses simultaneously with soothing music, spoken Affirmations and moving images. And when you’ve got time at hand you can just grab your phone and watch your future dream life as an exciting movie.

Don’t waste another minute of your precious life

Start going after your dream’s. All it takes is one act of motivation to get the ball rolling in your favour. Believe in yourself and know that you can be, do, and have anything and everything you want. You can do it! Step into your full potential!

10 feel-good and even better Affirmations /blog/10-feel-good-and-even-better-affirmations/ Sat, 26 Nov 2022 11:02:10 +0000 /?p=363 Positive Affirmations (also known as Motivational quotes) have become extremely popular over the past years, especially through Social Media. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter are full of groups and individuals posting positive Affirmations.

But do they really work? And if so how?

Your subconscious has immense power. It controls what food you eat, what action steps you take, how successful you are, how you perceive your outside and inside world. Everything is steered by your subconscious. The subconscious is your autopilot. You don’t think about every movement you make and yet you still make them.

Both science and psychology have proven that Affirmations do in fact work.

Positive Affirmations reprogram your subconscious to a more uplifting and empowering belief system, which in effect guides you to a more positive life. If you don’t believe you can achieve something, it’s because your subconscious doesn’t believe it. Knowing this is a great benefit, as you are now able to condition yourself to, happiness, success, health or whatever it is you really want.

However, there are certain steps to keep in mind when working with any type of Affirmations. To make lasting, long-term changes to the way you think and feel, you must practice them on a regular consistent basis. And they have to be stated in the present. As an example: “I am going to be” … or “I will do this” … will have zero effect.

Your brain processes information in the present tense.

It doesn’t know the difference between the past or the future. For your brain everything literally happens in the moment.

For example: “I am making a change” instead of, “I am going to make a change”. “I am happy” instead of, “I’m going to be happy”. Stating Affirmations in the past or future leaves you in a constant state of yearning for something.

The clearer you feel what you state in your affirmation and the more intensely you allow yourself to feel the emotions of already having achieved your goal, the more impactful the affirmation.

Try to combine the affirmation with an elevated, positive emotion and you will get your subconscious mind working towards your goal much faster. A remarkably effective way to get in a higher mental state is to combine affirmations with pictures that move you emotionally. Which is also known as visualization.

As a summary.

Positive Affirmations have a major impact on your subconscious meaning, they work! They must be stated in present tense. Make them believable and teach your brain to think a new way that is to your advantage. Also, you harness the Law of Attraction to your benefit.

Here are 10 positive feel good Affirmations, enjoy!

Perfectly Happy Affirmation Love Life

Take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it and let it out through your mouth. Consciously feel the energy of life flow through your body. Remember what a miracle it is to be alive. And how exciting this journey of life is.

Powerful Affirmation 

You are an eternally powerful being forever in control of your life and what goes on in it. Your destiny is what you make out of your current circumstance. With a positive mindset you are destined to live a life full of empowerment and joy.

Selflove Affirmation 

We all contribute to society and this beautiful universe. Knowing that you are of value and unique in every way is a state of mind to be achieved by everyone. Your individuality is what makes you, you and nobody can be better at being you than you.

Love Affirmation 

If everyone were to love themselves nobody would ever lack love again. Simple but true. We cannot expect to receive love when we are not willing to love ourselves first, unconditionally. To love yourself is to understand and accept yourself. With all your perfect imperfections, quirks and insecurities you may have. You are always surrounded by love waiting for you to let it in.

Appreciation Love Affirmation

Be grateful for all you have achieved, how far you have come and how far you’re still going to go. Look at yourself in the mirror, place your hand on your heart and smile. Appreciate your facial expression for they are evidence of the life you have lived, feel the air you breathe and the experiences you have gone through. Self-appreciation is essential and never ending.

Beautiful Life Affirmation 

You are wonderful. Wonderful in so many ways. Break the word down. Wonder and full. You see the meaning? You are full of wonders and miracles. So many things had to happen for you to exist in flesh and bones. Can you feel all the wonders of life flowing through your veins?

I am Affirmation 

You do not lack anything, there is nothing you need or can’t have. We live in an abundant universe and whatever we ask for it is given. You are your own limit. Break the limitations in your mind and watch yourself sly rocket beyond your wildest dreams. It’s all there waiting for you to claim it.

I am success Affirmation 

What would happen if we were to cut the word loser out of our vocabulary? Simple, we’d all be winners. When it comes to the game of life, we are all always winning. Even people that seem to have lost it all, are winning. How? Because you become what you believe. We are always given what we ask for. Empower yourself and know that you cannot make any mistakes and everything always has a way of working out for you. No question, it’s a knowingness.

Better Life Affirmation 

You deserve all the success, health, happiness, and miraculous moments you can imagine and so much more. Whatever it is you are wishing for, know with every fibre of your being that you deserve to have it, gain it or achieve it. You are worthy. You are pure positive energy focused in a body. There is nothing you have to do to deserve anything. You just have to want it. In that wanting the deservance is already there.

The Law of Attraction Affirmation 

Do you believe that during creation, source made one of you in order for the Universe to be complete? Without you there would be a missing piece of the puzzle. You are essential and necessary for the Universe to work in such a magnificent and complex way. Everyone in their diverseness is.

Did you enjoy these Affirmations? The Perfectly Happy Video Vision Board app has over 1000+ high end positive Affirmations. You can even write your own in combination with creating your personal Vision Board. Find your happiness now and step into your full potential.

Be – Perfectly Happy

Live your Dream Job /blog/live-your-dream-job-with-perfectly-happy-app/ Fri, 26 Aug 2022 11:05:49 +0000 /?p=377 Statistics show that an average person spends around 90.000 hours of their life at work. That is one third of your life. Which is a pretty long time. Seriously, why not go after your passion?

For years I was obsessed with following my hearts desires and finding my path. Truthfully, I didn’t see much change happen for the first few months. I doubted myself many times and questioned if I had what it took. I didn’t specifically know what it was I wanted to do, all I knew was the way I wanted to feel and how important my career was.

There was no way I was giving up or compromising in regards, to the life I envisioned. When I least expected it, that seed I planted years ago, started to blossom. You don’t plant the seed and pick the fruits the same day.

So, if I can do it, trust me you can too…

Thoughts like: “too old” or “too young”, “not enough money to build a business”, “no experience,” etc. are illusions, choose not to listen to them. You have what it takes. You create your reality and the Law of Attraction brings it into your existence. You have to create it and believe that you can achieve it.

You can rise up from anything. You can completely recreate yourself. Nothing is permanent. You’re not stuck. You can think new thoughts and you can learn something new. You can create new habits. All that matters are that you decide today and never look back.  Success is a decision away.

Affirmations do Help

My favorite affirmations in relation to career:

  • I have all the skills I need to be successful
  • I work in a positive environment
  • Wealth will come to me when I follow my inner calling
  • I am a winner
  • I am success magnet
  • I am fulfilling my life’s purpose
  • I am designed for accomplishment
  • I am engineered for success

Key: Read and listen to affirmations. Saying them out loud allows you to re-wire your brain faster and creates a more positive reality.

Take it step by step, you have to train your mind into a new positive outlook. This won’t happen overnight, after all you don’t go the gym and expect to have abs the same day.

Go after your Dreams

As soon as you start or, are in the progress of following your bliss (loving what you do) you’ve already achieved a great level of success.

Even if you’re not quite there yet, be brave and dare to dream a bigger dream.

Don’t let fear of the unknown stop you from answering your calling. There’s an acronym for fear- false. evidence. appearing. real.

That’s all it is. It’s a belief you’ve instilled that will keep you in a stuck position. Be patient with yourself and learn to get over doubts, fears, disbeliefs and negative thoughts.

Perseverance and Patience are Key

Sometimes it comes swiftly and easy, sometimes it will take a bit longer, but when you are in the right state of mind, eventually it will manifest into your real world.

Many successful people faced challenges and obstacles. Unfortunately, a lot of people quit before they get to where they want to be.

Supersuccessful people don’t, they persevere and are patient. They show strength of character because, they follow through on a decision, they are able prolong the excitement and emotion about their vision.

The Beatles became a so called; “overnight success”. When they were first interviewed and asked how it came about, they answered very humbly, by explaining that they had gigs for years in bars, pubs and clubs before being recognized.

After years of trying to succeed, just as they were on the verge of giving up, their career sky rocketed. They believed in their vision for years, before seeing any evidence of their dream manifesting.

J.K. Rowling’s most famous book Harry Potter was rejected 12 times. Steve Jobs was fired from his own company. Jeff Bezos was laughed at. Einstein was called crazy when he came up with his ground breaking theories.

There are endless examples of very successful people, where it looked like everything was conspiring against them. They got turned down over and over again.

But they kept going and when no one believed in them, they believed in themselves. They had a clear mental imagine of their dream occupation and believed in the success of their products, which eventually manifested into the real world. Be just as – and even more – disciplined with yourself and your thoughts, go the extra mile no one else is willing to go. Think and feel positive about your future by following the inspiration of your dream profession. After all, success is the realization a worthwhile dream.

When it’s your time to win, you will win…

If you want to achieve the career of your dreams, you cannot give up. Keep your eye on the goal. Chase your dreams and take steps towards them. Follow your joy.

Your Life will change

Change can be scary at times, but if you want things in your life to change, you’re going to have change things in your life. First and foremost, change your thought patterns!

Start off with small steps so that it doesn’t get overwhelming.

Shake up your morning routine. If the first thing you do in the morning is to read your emails and what’s app messages, try starting your day by thinking about your positive vision of your dream life.

You’ll be amazed by how something so simple can have such an impact on your life.

It’s important that right after waking up and just before falling asleep you feel the emotion of gratefulness about your dream occupation and your dream lifestyle. Count the blessings you’re surrounded by and what you love about life. Imagine how amazing your new, ideal occupation will feel like.

Use efficient tools

The most profound tool for me is a combination of images (visualization) and affirmations.

With the personalized Perfectly Happy movies, affirmations, sounds and the alarm, you automatically set your day up for success. Through its ability to address more than one sense, it stimulates your conscious and subconscious mind into a more positive perspective.

Every time you feel yourself coming out of alignment through negative thoughts and emotions, step aside from what you’re doing, open the Perfectly Happy app, choose one of your personalized videos which is currently resonating with you and breathe in the positive emotion.

It’s a perfect way to steer your point of attraction back to your dream life.

Focus your Attention on what you want

Focus on the way you want to feel when working your dream job.

When you start out, chances are you’ll be putting a lot of working hours into your vision, but it won’t feel like work. You’ll love doing it and any activity towards it will be pleasurable.

Thoughts are things in the making, a chair was a thought before it became a chair, a table was a thought before it became a table, everything around you was a thought before it manifested into something tangible.

It’s the same with your career. See it in your mind’s eye, feel it in your heart, believe in yourself and your abilities to succeed for long enough, be patient and it will become reality.

You know what’s best for you

Always listen to yourself and your intuition.

Nobody else knows what’s best for you. Sometimes there is no support system, it’s only you, the universe and the vision you see. Reach your goals faster and easier, by changing your thoughts and feelings.

Perfectly Happy supports you in enhancing your attitude toward work & career. Regardless of your current financial considerations or the job you’re working at, choose your dream profession. Listen to your inner voice, let your feelings guide you.

For your personalized movie, pick images that reflect the priorities you have in your new job. Such as, colleagues you get along with, enough freedom for creative thoughts, a high paycheck, an international workspace or whatever it is you’ve always wanted. Combine them with personal photos and positive affirmations. Thereby you create a strong emotional connection between your wishes and yourself.

Don’t let your life be defined by the memories of the past. Let your life be defined by your vision of your future.

Great opportunities will come rushing toward you and doors will fly open, when you follow your hearts path.

Become perfectly happy and step into your fullest potential.

Get started now!

How to attract Wealth and your Dream Lifestyle? /blog/how-to-attract-wealth-and-your-dream-lifestyle/ Wed, 24 Aug 2022 11:08:16 +0000 /?p=380 No matter how old you are, where you’re from or where you’re born into, you probably have the aspiration of achieving great wealth. Like most people do, but in reality only 1% of the world’s population has achieved it. What in fact is wealth? Most people define being wealthy as being able. to afford whatever their hearts desire, provided one can acquire it with money. But for one person it means private jets and yachts and for another it can be as simple as choosing your daily activities according to how you feel; not having to get up in the morning to go and sit in an office but rather being able to spend your day doing whatever you want.

Isn’t it an exciting and steady feeling waking up in the morning knowing that all your bills are paid for? You can go out and not have to look at price tags when purchasing what you want. Even if it’s not your dream or goal to be wealthy as such, it gives a sense of stability, knowing that you you can easily afford all of your heart’s desires.

In this post I’d like to address generally how YOU (and only YOU) are preventing yourself from achieving the lifestyle you desire and what you can do to help yourself to get to where you want to be and empower you in achieving the wealth and lifestyle YOU dream of.

Become aware of your old negative belief structures

Let’s start with the reason why most of us in the western world are not living the life we dream of in terms of money. There’s most likely a certain belief structure in place that keeps the stream of wealth and abundance (which, in actuality, is flowing all around you in form of energy) from coming into your experience. Somewhere deep down and mostly taken on from a young age, from your parents or your social environment, there’s a belief towards money and wealth that is stopping the stream of abundance from coming into your life experience. Often beliefs have been taken over from your parents or social environment.

It could be a belief that you’re not worthy of receiving money, that there’s not enough, or even that money is the root of all evil, resulting in the feeling of hopelessness and the lack of financial resources will keep you in this mindset. Often people believe that only consistent hard work will lead to wealth. Getting to the core belief, breaking it down and transforming or replacing it with a new set of beliefs, will not only make you feel better, it will take you right to where you want to go.

Introduce a new motivating belief structure

Acknowledge and replace your belief with a new and more motivating one, such as “I can help more people with my wealth”, “I am worthy of abundance”, “money flows easily to me”, “I create my own reality and therefore I create my own wealth”,, “I am a magnet for money and wealth”, “I am rich”, “being rich does me good”, “money flows to me and I welcome it”, “wealth suits me”  and so on. These affirmations vary from person to person as each individual will have a different set of beliefs and a different feeling toward each belief.

You can have as many affirmations as you want. The key here is choosing one that resonates with you and generally gives you a positive feeling. Believing what you’re actually saying can be beneficial and again gently focus on the way you feel while repeating the affirmation.  Once you’ve managed to replace the old belief with a new one you may feel a shift in yourself.

You can literally feel yourself into wealth and abundance, through visualization and feeling good with what you have right now. Being thankful and grateful for all the wonderful and joyous things we’re surrounded by is really something we should remind ourselves of on a daily basis.

Use the law of attraction to your advantage

The Universe gives us what we feel and think about. In the words of the famous Earl Nightingale: “You become what you think about most of the time.” Feel and think as if you were already abundant and you will attract the abundance you seek. I know this sounds easier said than done but anything worth achieving requires persistency and consistency. Napoleon Hill phrased it this way: “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and bring itself to believe, it can achieve.”

This is basically what Law of Attraction is about. Look around you right now and count at least three things of which you have an abundance of and are grateful for, as silly as it may seem. It could be an abundance of water, or shoes or even love that you are surrounded by. By feeling that abundance and guiding your way out of the feeling of lack you’re automatically making ways for the Universe to give you the abundance you desire and deserve.

By first adding yourself into the picture and then seeing the picture through your eyes as if you were to be in that scenario right now, you’re focusing strong particle flow toward the specific thing you want. When then adding the feeling and focusing on it for a little more than one minute that seed you’ve planted begins to germinate and everything you desire will start rushing toward you.

Go to the car dealership and sit in your dream car, go and try on your dream clothes, go to the fancy restaurant and look at the menu and take it home with you. Go do dream building and feel like you already have all you want and soon it will be yours. Every wealthy person went and tried the objects they wanted long before they could afford them because they know about the power dream building and visualization hold. All throughout the day look at pictures of the lifestyle you want. Even if you don’t see any results for the next days, weeks, months or even years it sure as hell will make you feel good.

Step by step guide when manifesting:

  • Always word affirmations in a positive way (for example: instead of saying “I don’t want to have money problems”, say: “I have an abundance of money”).
  • Say it like it’s already yours: “I have more than enough money right now”
  • Spend as little time as possible thinking about what you don’t want.
  • Meditate on it.
  • See it, smell it, taste it, hear it, feel it -> make use of your senses.
  • If it’s real in your brain/mind it has to become real in the physical world. The mind or brain can’t tell imagination from reality.
  • Train your mind to have a positive outlook on life. Count your blessings everyday.

At the end of the day it’s not about the money or the items, it’s about the feeling we think money will give us and the feeling of what we can buy with the money we desire. How do you feel wearing a Rolex watch? How do you feel buying the newest phones and cameras? How does it make you feel when you know your bills are paid for? You can have that feeling right now just by imagining it.

Believe in the abundance of the Universe

Money is there to be gotten. There is more than enough resources on the planet for every single human being to be rich and wealthy. If you were to lose or give all your money away, by tomorrow (metaphorically speaking) you could have it all back.

But does a wealthy lifestyle really mean you’re living a happier, more meaningful life? I personally really do believe that a lifestyle full of “riches” is the most uplifting and inspiring experience when you share it with others.

Having a wealthy lifestyle and lots of money is a beautiful thing and sharing it with others not only benefits them but also you. Through karma, what you give is what you get. Especially when you give it with joy, from your heart and unconditionally. A general rule of thumb I live by, is that when I do something for another or give something to someone, I never expect anything in return.

Be open minded and let the universe do its magic

Also, try not to focus on how it’s coming in, let the Universe do its job and figure it out, that part really isn’t ours to worry about. Your only job is stepping aside, getting your feelings aligned and letting it in. There are endless ways for you to achieve a wealthy lifestyle and your mind can’t think of all of them. By trusting and knowing that what you want is coming to you, you automatically open more doors for it to be delivered.

A must watch on this topic would be the movie “The Secret”. If you are a book lover you can read it since it has also been published as a book. It addresses the topic of Law of Attraction. Biographies and auto-biographies of people who already have what you want can act as a great motivation and give you a lot of insight on how to achieve your goals and dreams in achieving the lifestyle you desire.

For me personally, also a very useful book is “Ask and it’s given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks. It teaches you how to manifest your desires in the most profound way.

The energy of the people around you matters

Another thing to keep in mind is, what people are you surrounded by? Maybe you can remember the time when your parents said: “If you hang around that person, you’ll turn out just like them!” Well there’s some truth to that. Be around people that have the vibration of wealth and goodness at heart and it will help put you in the same mindset as those wealthy people. You can always have, be or do whatever you want, be grateful for where you’re at and eager for more. You can be a leading example of the person that made it in your family or friend group.

We are all abundant spiritual beings by nature and we came to this earth to re-define abundance in a tangible way. At the end of the day it’s all energy and all energy is accessible and renewable. So take life light hearted.

Money is not good or bad its simply energy

Loving money and having a belief that it will buy you out of your misery is where the balance of our inner spiritual knowing and our strive for more begins to tip. So, love people and yourself and use money as a tool. And when you do reach your dream lifestyle, and you will, remember to share your stories with many other people that are where you once were. We only live this life once, why not live it in the way we want to and support each other in achieving our goals?

Keep your eye on your goal. You will always feel at your best when you’re in the act of achieving your desires. You can do it, whatever it is you want to succeed in. Simply believe in yourself and your abilities to achieve your desires. Don’t allow anybody to get in your head and tell you otherwise.

Wealth doesn’t determine who you are, you determine your worth. And you already are worthy of whatever it is you want. It’s your life, you deserve the wealth and lifestyle of your dreams and so much more you can’t imagine right now. Just be perfectly happy.

Perfectly Happy is not only simple and enjoyable in its application, it also helps you achieve all of the above mentioned. It is a profound tool that stimulates several senses simultaneously, on a ground breaking level. Not only does it help you change your conscious but, also your subconscious thoughts. It gives you a more positive and uplifting outlook on life, through that you change your believes about money and attract the wealth and abundance you seek.

Become perfectly happy and step into your fullest potential.

Get started now!

How to make use of the Law of Attraction? /blog/how-to-use-the-law-of-attraction/ Sat, 13 Aug 2022 11:09:50 +0000 /?p=383 Whatever you focus your conscious and subconscious thoughts on, that’s where your energy will go. Wherever your energy goes, that’s where your reality will manifest itself. This is the law of attraction.

Every thought we have is associated with a feeling that attracts the same experience. It is therefore really important to find a way to bring as much positivity as possible into our lives through positive thoughts in connection with strong emotions.

You decide whether you want to continue to let your life be determined by negative thoughts and feelings from your past as before,


  • from now on you want to shape your life through positive thoughts and feelings about your dream life.

Do you want to continue to be a bystander, guided by negative experiences from the past, or do you want to change your life for the better according to your vision of your dream life?

Perfectly Happy is a digital video vision board that helps you to create a mental picture of your ideal dream life. It is an efficient tool that uses images, affirmations, and sound to address not just one but different senses at the same time, thus generating very positive thoughts and feelings.

It works not only on the conscious but also on the subconscious thought level.

You can use the Perfectly Happy app on your smartphone and tablet to build three-minute meditation films that show your ideal dream life – it’s quick and easy!

With your personal meditation movie, you train your subconscious to create a mental picture of the desired events and results, which should then become your reality.

The subconscious cannot distinguish between reality and imagination. You condition your subconscious with images, belief statements, and music in combination with positive emotions. Negative thoughts are replaced by positive ones over time.

Let your energy flow to where your conscious and subconscious thoughts are. Allow your reality to manifest and benefit from the law of attraction. Overcome invisible obstacles that keep you from fulfilling your wishes.

Become perfectly happy and step into your fullest potential.

Get started now!

How does Perfectly Happy Meditation work? /blog/how-does-perfectly-happy-meditation-work/ Fri, 12 Aug 2022 11:10:53 +0000 /?p=386 Perfectly Happy is a digital video vision board that helps you change your life for the better. Easily and in no time, you can create 3-minute meditation movies on your smartphone or tablet, which show your dream life. Watch and enjoy your personal short movie immediately afterwards.

With your personal movie you can train your subconscious to create a clear mental image of your dream life and desired achievements, as if they have already become a reality.

Perfectly Happy uses inspiring images, positive affirmations and emotional music to address not only one, but many senses simultaneously. This makes it much easier to connect your clear intention with an elevated emotion. As a result, your conscious and subconscious thoughts will no longer be affected by memories of the past, but by your positive vision of the future. Positive thoughts replace negative ones.

Whatever you focus your conscious and subconscious thoughts on, that’s where your energy will go. Wherever your energy goes, that’s where your reality will manifest itself ( Law of Attraction ). Remove mental and emotional blocks and overcome invisible obstacles that are keeping you from living your dream life.

Your digital video vision board is there for you anytime to help you turn your mind to good and beautiful things. Reach inner peace at your personal dream place.

Improve your life in all important areas, like health, weight loss, sleep & inner peace, work & career, wealth, family & friends, partner & relationship and doing good & spirituality.

Become more mindful, focused, confident, creative and successful in realizing your true dreams and goals. Countless successful athletes, managers and artists have been using the power of visualization and affirmations for many years to reach their goals and get closer to their dream life.

The Perfectly Happy app brings the established century-old techniques of visualization, affirmations, mantras and mindfulness into the digital age of the 21st century.

With the Perfectly Happy app this is super easy and doesn’t require any prior knowledge. It’s fun and feels great!

You too can find your personal dream life and live up to your fullest potential!

Get started now!
