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How do I cancel my subscription?

Thank you for your contribution and support.

Your subscription helps our small team to make a positive
impact and enhance this happiness tool for everyone. We offer powerful and
high-quality vision boards, affirmations as well as a contemporary gratitude
journal, which are very time and cost intensive to operate. 

The app is a powerful tool that allows you to create your own personalized vision board, which is a collage of images you use to visualize your dream life and your
goals. The app creates an inspiring vision board video clips for you. The
subscription fee (U$1.1 per week, paid annually) simply helps us to keep the
app operating. Your support ensures we can continue spreading happiness. 

We are a small team that puts a lot of love and effort into our app with the clear
intention to make as many people as happy as possible. Lots of love

Cancellation steps can differ, depending on where you bought your subscription (directly from our website, Apple App Store or Google Play Store):

Subscription via Apple App Store:

1. Open the Settings app
2. Scroll down to ‘iTunes and App Store’
3. Tap Your AppleID Email
4. Select ‘View AppleID’ (You may be asked to log in)
5. Tap ‘Subscriptions’
6. Select the Perfectly Happy subscription
7. Tap ‘Cancel Subscription’ to disable it from auto-renewing at the end of the current billing cycle

Subscription via Google Play Store:

1. Open the Google Play Store
2. Tap Menu (3 small horizontal lines) and then Subscriptions
3. Tap the subscription you want to cancel
4. Tap Cancel subscription
5. Follow the onscreen instructions

If you experience any other difficulties, please send an email to info@perfectlyhappy.com. We can help.