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Affirmations for health

Because positive thoughts can heal

Do you feel weak, sick and have no energy?

Do you find it difficult to make the right choices for a healthy body every day?

Don’t worry – you are not alonePositive affirmations can help break down emotional blocks. Through them you can use your mind to positively influence your body. Here you can find out all about it:

How can affirmations help my health?

Have you ever heard of the law of attraction? Basically, it says that our thoughts determine how we act and feel. Big changes always start in your head – and no one else but you has control over what’s going on inside.

To use the law of attraction effectively, you can use positive affirmations. These are affirmations that trigger an emotional response in you. You repeat them several times a day, training your subconscious to create a mental image of your fit and healthy body. Once this image is anchored in you, you will automatically work towards it – both consciously and subconsciously.

Affirmations work even better if you don’t just say them to yourself, but hear them and see them in front of you. The digital vision board, also called a mind movie, is ideal for this. In the Perfectly Happy app you can easily create your very own three-minute Mind Movie. Your affirmations, read aloud by a calm voice, accompanied by inspiring images and music – this way, several of your senses are stimulated and the idea of ​​your healthy and vital body feels even more real.

In this way, your subconscious learns more quickly to accept this idea as a new reality. In this way you can activate your self-healing powers and release emotional blocks that are preventing you from achieving your goals.

How can a digital vision board about health look like?

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Once you’ve created your personal three-minute film, watch it several times a day. Affirmations work best when you look at them right after you wake up and before you fall asleep. But also use opportunities during the day to work on your health and vitality. During the coffee break or while waiting for the subway, in the taxi or at the airport, for example.

Over time, you will find that negative thoughts are replaced with positive ones. That’s how you’re already using the law of attraction for you, because: What you focus your thoughts on determines where your energy goes. If you put your energy into the pursuit of health and well-being, you can achieve just that.

Perfectly Happy vision board app - your tool for self-healing

Perfectly Happy cannot replace expert medical treatment. But the effective psychological tools like the digital vision board and the gratitude journal can complement these. Because the power of bundled thoughts can do a lot – for example improve the healing process and strengthen the immune system.

Discover the free trial version of the Perfectly Happy app now and become the best version of yourself!

Inspirational affirmations for health