
Perfectly Happy Meditation GmbH  Theresianumgasse 17/7, 1040 Vienna Austria

Sales tax identification number (UID no.): 74725078
Company registration number FN: 519732m
Commercial register court: Vienna Registered office: 1040 Vienna


Information on online dispute resolution: Consumers have the option of submitting complaints to the EU’s online dispute resolution platform: You can also send any complaints to the email address given above.

Are you a user of the app and have a query? You can reach our support at:

We are a small but passionate team
dedicated to spreading love and happiness through our app. We pour our hearts into every
detail, striving to make a positive impact on as many lives as possible. With
over 250,000 happy users embracing their dream lives, our mission is
resonating. If you’ve found happiness with us, consider sharing the love with
your friends. Together, we can amplify the positivity and create a ripple
effect of happiness. Join us in spreading joy and let’s make the world a
brighter place, one user at a time. 

With love and gratitude, Your Perfectly Happy team ❤️